Peste 500 de oameni de business au participat la ediția a treia a Smart Alliance Innovation SUMMIT, cel mai mare eveniment dedicat inovației românești.
IM World – IT si solutii digitale la Bucuresti
Nu ratati cel mai important eveniment B2B dedicat IT si solutii digitale din sud estul Europei.
OMEGA Trust a participat la deschiderea anului universitar 2018-2019 in cadrul Facultatii de Hidrotehnica a UTCB
Luni, 1 octombrie a avut loc deschiderea anului universitar 2018-2019 al Facultatii de Hidrotehnica – Specializarea Automatica si Informatica Aplicata, din cadrul Universitatii Tehnice de Constructii Bucuresti. OMEGA Trust impreuna cu Smart Alliance – Innovation Technology Cluster, au participat la eveniment in calitate de parteneri.
10 soluții rapide pentru îmbunătățirea securității informației
Conform unui studiu recent al celor de la McAfee, costul global al criminalității cibernetice în 2017 a depășit 600 de miliarde de dolari, cu o creștere de 13% a numărului vulnerabilităților raportate, iar costurile anuale au crescut cu 23% ajungând la o medie de 11,7 milioane USD.
Cursuri de pregatire si perfectionare pentru Responsabilul cu Protectia Datelor (RPD-DPO)
In perioada 26 – 28 septembrie, are loc o noua sesiune de cursuri de pregatire si perfectionare RPD-DPO. Cursurile organizate de OMEGA Trust si Cunescu, Balaciu & Asociatii, va pun la dispozitie cunostintele necesare pentru a face fata cerintelor Regulamentului UE 679/2016 (GDPR).
Nexia Day si Nexia Balkan Meeting la Bucuresti
Ziua de 19 septembrie a reunit membrii Nexia International la Bucuresti in cadrul a doua evenimente: #NexiaBalkanMeeting si #NexiaDay Read more
Expert in vanzari? Vino alaturi de noi!
OMEGA Trust isi mareste echipa, iar tu ai putea fi noul nostru coleg asa ca nu ezita sa ne trimiti CV-ul tau!
Junior Penetration Tester Wanted!
Omega Trust is in search of a Junior Penetration Tester.
The ideal candidate should have:
– Minimum 6 months of demonstrable experience in a similar role or a keen interest in cyber security industry and passion for application security;
– Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering, IT or Computer Science;
– Understanding of cyber security principles;
– Proficient in the use of enumeration tools;
– Proficient in the use of exploitation frameworks;
– Ability to identify and exploit basic vulnerabilities;
– Ability to articulate results accurately into reports;
– Ability to manually validate accuracy of automated results;
– Excellent communication skills in English;
– Plan, execute information assurance evaluation tests and document test results in a formal document;
– Provide reports which highlight and clearly articulate vulnerabilities and weaknesses to clients in terms they understand;
– Identify and demonstrate vulnerabilities that may be used by an adversary to exploit components of the target system;
Other requirements:
– Excited by new challenges and passionate about security and delivering the best possible tests and remediation for your clients;
– Analytical, well organized and responsible;
– Ambitious, dynamic, enthusiastic and positive attitude;
– Communication abilities.
Company overview
OMEGA Trust is a company offering IT audit and consultancy services. Starting with 2004 we have been involved in a large number of projects amassing experience in various IT systems from different fields, such as Banking and Financial institutions, Stock Markets, Telecommunications, Insurance, Retail, Software Development.
Our services cover two main business lines:
- Information Security Risk and Compliance Services
- IT Audit and Cyber Security Services
Please send your CV at
Team Leader for Cybersecurity team wanted!
We are expanding our team. OMEGA Trust is in search of a Team Leader for our Cyber security penetration testing team.
The ideal candidate should have:
– Minimum 5 years as Senior penetration tester / ethical hacker
– Bachelor’s Degree in IT, Computer Science, Engineering.
– Key Certifications: CEH (Certified Ethical Hacker), LPT (Licensed Penetration Tester), OSCP (Offensive Security Certified Professional), CompTIA Security+, ECSA etc.
– Good analysis and reporting capabilities
– Solid years of experience in penetration testing
– Highly motivated individual with the ability to lead the team
– Excellent communication skills in English
Other requirements:
– Excited by new challenges and passionate about security and delivering the best possible tests and remediation for your clients
– Analytical, well organized and responsible
– Ambitious, dynamic, enthusiastic and positive attitude
– Serious and good team player
– Excellent Communication abilities
Main responsibilities:
– Leading the team of penetration testers during a project, including on-site activities
– Act as technical lead during penetration tests
– Report test results, both in written reports and presentations
– Prepare risk analysis reports and provide recommendations to the client
– Use risk management techniques to develop and complete risk assessments based
– Define the objectives and scope of penetration tests with clients
– Present test results and recommended improvements to clients
– Analyze penetration testing and vulnerability scan reports
– Give training sessions on topics related to penetration testing
– Coach the other penetration testers in their technical development
– Motivating salary package
– Percentage on the profitability of the department
– Assets needed for performing the work
Company overview
OMEGA Trust is a company offering IT audit and consultancy services. Starting with 2004 we have been involved in a large number of projects amassing experience in various IT systems from different fields, such as Banking and Financial institutions, Stock Markets, Telecommunications, Insurance, Retail, Software Development.
Our services cover two main business lines:
- Information Security Risk and Compliance Services
- IT Audit and Cyber Security Services
Please send your CV at